
  • Back to Berlin

    Visiting with a friend who’s a friend of a friend tonight and flying back tomorrow

  • Last full day

  • Kafka museum

  • Národní Divadlo

    Hilariously couldn’t find my way to the front doors. Stopped and asked a woman who answered in czech. I didn’t understand most of it and asked if she spoke English. She said no and repeated herself in czech, but slower and substituting important words with German. I repeated the directions as I understood them in German and she said ja. She still sent me the long way around

  • Before the Ballet

  • Birthday hotel

  • Monday

    Wild day! Got a haircut in four languages, poor kid kept trying to hide my type III corners and I ended up prepared for hat weather. Been lost in staré město for the last 4 hours, no idea how anyone figures this out. Successfully ordered a donut and coffee. Lots of coffee, beer, sausage, and Christmas.

  • Sunday morning in Žižkov

    Spent the morning walking uphill and buying little coffees. Meant to get breakfast but just wandered around for a few hours instead. I liked this area a lot.

  • Saturday